Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday...

****I'm procrastinating I know.  At work surfing blogger (shhhh!!!)****Hopping from blog to blog I find the cutest southern blog; I say southern cause it's full of y'alls, which I love!  Anyway she has a "What I love Wednesdays" and I wanted to link up with some fabulous news and I guess this is the perfect way to share too ;)

What I love today:

That I will be a Bridesmaids in one of my best friend's weddings in August! Hooray!!!  And this is how she asked me...

And I had to do a quick pose with my little Maddie-boo and do a quick text back with the caption
"Hell Yeah!!!"

Sorry I look like shite, it was 7:00pm post work!  But I was excited!!!


  1. what a cute idea! i'm following you now!

  2. I think that's the cutest way to ask someone to be one of their special ladies!

    p.s. I totally surf blogger during work
