Friday, January 28, 2011

Large and In Charge

The past few months have taken a toll on me, mentally and physically.  I never knew how hard pregnancy could seriously be.  I honestly thought it would be a beautiful phase in my life, glowing and carrying a life around inside my body, but in all actuality I'm tired and I'm ready to be done.  And I still have 8 more weeks!! 

I found out I was pregnant in early August, I was literally maybe a week pregnant at the time.  My sister and I had spent the day with some friends and for some reason I was just totally drained that day.  Around 3o'clock in the afternoon I fell asleep on her couch to wake up around 7.  She asked me if I wanted to get something to eat and I told her absolutely not that I felt horrible!  That's when she told me she thought I could be pregnant and I should take a test she had lying around the house, I succombed and took it.  Wow was I surprised.  We were trying, but only for a month or two.  It was so early into the pregnancy it was barely noticeable on the pregnancy test even at the doctors office they had to confirm with a urine sample.  Needless to say, I was overjoyed with the news! 

But.....then came....the....dreaded morning sickness!!  I actually never threw up persay, but I was soo desperate I actually got to the point of forcing myself to throw up in hopes of relieving nausea and the bloated feeling.  It was a sad moment in my life as a attempted to fall asleep at 6 pm only to be woken by an urge to lean over the porcelain thrown for a couple of hours followed by horrendously long days at the office, 1/2 the time spent sprawled across my desk attempting to avoid leaning over the office toilets ugh!  And get got soo much worse!!

Not 2 months into this new adventure I contracted what is formally known as Streptococcal pharyngitis, but widely referred to as strep throat! O-M-G & W-T-F! Interestingly enough by the time they confirmed that I had strep throat and started me on antibiotics I was feeling much better.  But for that week I basically moved back and forth between my bed and couch every few hours and semi-enjoying a diet consisting soley of chicken broth and jell-o.  And you would think, "oh strep throat - couldn't possibly get any worse", but you are wrong!  They started me on penicillin, a broadly used and somewhat mild anti-biotic that slowly kills all kinds of bacteria in your body including, but not limited to the natural bacteria found in ones private parts.  Hence, I got a yeast infection! TMI, i know - sorry!  The doc suggested I start Monistat 3 which I did and upon immediate insertion of the initial treatment I had an allergic reaction.  I feel so horrible for my husband having to watch me jump around grabbing at my privates, swearing and crying at the top of my lungs, I do not know how I got through that, but I finally did - as my first trimester came to a eventful and memorable close.

Oh but the gloriously amazing second trimester!!  It was smooth sailing through the next few weeks as I ate whatever I wanted, continued to go to the gym, traveled to northern california right after Christmas!  I was totally ignorant to the fact that the pounds were packing on and before I knew it I was at my 30 week ultrasound weighing in at a whopping 192lbs!  Considering I started at 160, 32 lbs was almost my ideal pregnancy weight and I still had 10 more weeks to go! 

Now its 32 weeks into my pregnancy, she is literally kicking my ass or rather my insides.  Pressure on my bladder to the point where I question whether I tinkled in my pants, kicks and punches to the rib and hip bones that jolt me from any comfortable position.  I don't know if she is ultra active or if this is normal, but my husband constantly looks at me with concern when he places his palm on the belly expecting the cute little pitter patter of her movements and receiving a full on 30 minutes karate session! 

The weird thing about this whole process is, that I know once she is here I most likely will forget it all - so its good I'm keeping record.  So when she's 16 and yelling at me that I don't know anything and how much she hates me, we can go back and recall the 9 months that I suffered through carrying her in my belly until she was ready to be birthed into this world!! until then....8 weeks left yo!