Sunday, September 4, 2011

I don't think there's anything worse...

...than an Asian lady driving with a baby in the backseat, i.e., ME! 

According to my husband I could very well be one of the worst drivers on the face of the planet, aside from my mom and her sister (100% Asian woman - I'm only 1/2).  I understand that it's a stereotype that Asians are horrible drivers, but c'mon stereotypes stem from somewhere and coming from experience, this one is spot on. 

You ever drive down the road and there is a car in the left lane going like 10 mph under the speed limit and you're cruising along trying to get around them?  As you are pulling onto the left side of what is most likely a Toyota Camry you peer to your side just to catch a glimpse of what this driver might look like. There is like a 90% chance it's an Asian woman hovering over the steering wheel not even paying attention to the fact that there is a car to her left or the fact that she is going 20mph in a 40.  Don't roll your eyes, you know it's true! 

Okay, so I'm no a slow driver, if anything I'm a lead foot, but I tend to be a little reckless.  Hence my entry a couple months ago regarding my serious road rage and anger with beggars.  Here are a couple of the common things I do on a day to day basis when I'm driving:

1.  Roll through stop signs - not a horrible offense, there are a lot of people who do it.  I just happen to do this without looking both ways assuming there is no one coming and more than likely cutting someone completely off.  :O
2.  Cruise through stale yellow lights...Hmm it's yellow!!! If my tires are over the pedestrian walking line and it turns red, I'm in the intersection!  seriously!
3.  Occupy 2 lanes at any given time.  There normally isn't anyone in the second lane :)
4.  Get my rights and my lefts confused and when turning left sometimes realize I need to be making a right and just cut across like 4 lanes! Woopsie

There are many many more, but I don't want to completely scare you from driving on the streets of Phoenix.  I promise I have not been in an accident in about 3 years! (Yes an most of the car accidents I've been have been caused by me :\)

But all this horrible driving is exponentialized (yes I made this word up) by the fact that I have my screaming daughter in her car seat directly behind the driver seat.  So when she is screaming I release the steering wheel with my left hand (making sure to keep my right hand in contact with it at almost all times) to reach back to the back seat fumble around in her car seat reaching to her sides, underneath her, up and around in search of whatever toy, pacifier, squeaky I can find to keep her from crying even louder.  I noticed today while driving and this happened, that my driving skills are compromised to the extreme while attempting to do this and make a left hand turn at the same time.  I narrowly avoided a large curbed median with trees and a pole, swerving erratically into the extra lane again narrowly missing the other vehicle making a left hand turn.  Hmm..

So I can admit to the fact that I'm a horrible driver, I can admit to the fact that my driving skills are reduced to an even farther extend while tending to the a crying baby at the same time.  I can also admit to the fact that occasionally I will text while driving (not with Maddie in the car though).  I can lastly admit to the fact that all of the above combined pisses the living sh*t out of my husband, considering he is professionally trained in the art of pursuit/emergency/tactical driving (all safely I mind you).  At least one of us is a good driver! :)

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