Friday, May 20, 2011

Three's Company

While the hubs is at work Maddie and I like to sleep with the TV on! :)  I like the background noise and the dim light allows for me to see where she is in the bed whenever I wake up and also when nursing.  Don't judge! Everynight right before its time to fall asleep I turn to channel 58 (Nick at Nite or TV Land, which ever you prefer - I consider them synonymous) because they play old reruns through out the whole night.  It normally starts off with Everybody Loves Raymond and leads into The Nanny occasionally or Home Improvement, Roseanne will occasionally have a marathon. 

As of late, I will be risen from my slumber by the little squeaks of a hungry Maddie only to be able to not only nurse my beautiful baby girl, but also enjoy a rerun of one of my favorite old TV shows, "Three's Company".  This feed normally occurs between the times of 2-4 am.  I'm always tempted to stay awake to watch the rest of the episode and sometimes the episode after, but it is 3 o'clock in the morning and although I do love me some 70s physical humor sitcoms, sleep at this point in motherhood is critical! 

So I've gone in search of DVDs and I have recently found it quite impossible to find a box set of all 7 or 8 seasons of the show.  Occasionally I will find something on a fishy website, which I debate to myself is it worth possibly getting my credit card information stolen or wasting $100 on something I'll never get?!  So I'm thinking its probably best to purchase each individual season off of  Maybe I should start slow with seasons 1 and 2 and then progress as I get through all of them :)
Here's the intro with all the cast members!  Doesn't that twangy 70 theme song just bring you back to the old days when you use to watch these reruns.  Why do old sitcoms always make you feel good?! 

1 comment:

  1. LOL Love this because it brings me back to when Dominic was little (the first 2 months) when nursing was toe curling painful. The only way I could get through it was to watch TV. He would always awake for nursing at 1ish, and I would watch Cosby Show on Nick and Nite and then at 5ish I would watch Save By The Bell on TBS. Made the half hour of nursing agony not so bad. :) Thankfully the pain only last 3 months or so.
