Friday, July 22, 2011


I've never been one to be super religious.  I have always had a inner faith in something, but other than going to general Christian type churches growing up i.e., Lutheran, Methodist and then Catholic when I was in middle school, I've never really had super strong beliefs that follow the guidelines provided by organized religions such as the above. 

Having a baby with a husband who has a very strong belief in the Catholic religion did not bother me in the slightest.  I thought you have your beliefs and I'm not saying they are wrong at all...I'm just saying they are not the only ones.  So when my husband was adamant about baptizing Madison, I had no qualms whatsoever. 

I've seen, on facebook and blogs, the big events that go into baptism of children.  Its a huge ordeal, parties, church events etc.  Fabulous!  I guess I'm just that...well considering I didn't even realize my daughter was getting baptized until a few days ago anyway...

The Catholic religion is very strict, and I'm not complaining, to each their own.  However, after realizing I was pregnant and our child would need to be baptized under the Catholic church, I started researching what I would need to do in preparation.  This is when everything kind of just was pushed the wayside as I read about 6 month classes, my own baptism, confirmation, first communion etc.   It's a lot to digest...really adopting a religion as your one and only.  But that's not to say I don't want my own daughter following those beliefs.  I want her to have organized religion in her life, I believe its important in developing her morals, beliefs and just who she is going to be as a adult/human being! 

To make a long story mother in law was able to find a Catholic priest who would baptize Madison even though I am not officially a practicing Catholic.  This is awfully kind and wonderful of this man because based on Catholic beliefs (correct me if I'm wrong) unbaptized babies end up in purgatory if (God forbid) anything happens to them.  And granted I'm not a practicing Catholic, I would still want my daughter at the right hand of God as I'm sure anyone would. 

My mother in law kept asking me while she was talking to the priest that this is what I wanted for Madison and that I wasn't feeling any pressure from her.  And I told her of course I did not feel pressure and I don't.  I definitely want Madison baptized.  The only hang up I'm having at the moment was a discussion I had with my parents the other day.  Honestly I'm not a stupid person at least I don't think I am.  I guess I just didn't put 2 and 2 together.  But like I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I have been going to Methodist/Lutheran churches since I can remember.  My father was raised Lutheran and my mother I guess was Baptist (still confused about this).  So they are technically Protestant??  Which is a direct rival to the Catholics?? I mean for me it's like apples to apples, but to some it could be apples to a square box for all I know!  I just don't want to offend anyone is all...I can't turn away from my family's beliefs, but my husband and I agreed that Maddie would be raised Catholic.  Does this mean that I have to be Catholic myself???  I'm afraid it does...


1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your post Kirsten thanks for sharing your thoughts. That is great you are Baptizing Maddie!

    Unfortunately there is a feeling of rivalry b/w many protestants and Catholics, which is ridiculous. Most protestants don't think of us (Catholics) as Christian, but we are! But in regards to baptism, a Christian baptism is a baptism no matter what church it is in. For instance if your were baptized Lutheran, you don't need to be rebaptized if you did decide to enter into union with the Catholic Church. So I would hope that people would have no problem with Maddie being baptized even if it is in the Catholic Church. Although like you said it is also a commitment to raise her Catholic. Anyway I will be praying for you as you think about what to do in regards to your own faith. Obviously I love the Catholic Church and am so grateful having been raised that way. I can't imagine the struggle you are facing with regards to your family and such.
