The computer problems I have been complaining repeatedly about over the course of the past couple of weeks have now come to a resounding end. I have corrected the Apple issues and resolved the external HD issues with a successful DIY date recovery. And now that things are somewhat back to normal/order I wanted to add Maddie's 5 month post (a little late!)
Madison Noelle, where do I start. Ahh I could just squeeze your chunky little fat stinkin' thighs all day long, and give you big ol' smooches all over your neck rolls. You are absolutely 100% the cutest little thing I could have ever created. I don't know how much you weigh or how tall you are (no doctor visits this month) but if you haven't hit the 20 lb mark by your 6 mo. visit I'll be very very surprised!
All that squirming you were doing last month to prepare yourself for crawling has paid off. You are mere weeks from crawling. You are able to get up on all fours and you wobble back and forth until you flop down and get super frustrated, but you will get the hang of it soon!! You rarely like to hang out on your back anymore, when we lay you down you flip right over onto your belly - you even like to sleep on your belly (to mommy's dismay).
You have jumped into eating solid foods like a rock star. At first we had a hard time with the rice cereal, but after your persistent mommy kept feeding it to you and mixing it with your favorite fruits you gobble it down!! Mommy is making all your baby food for right now and we have tried apples, bananas, pears, peaches, sweet potatoes, sweet peas, green beans and carrots so far!! Your favorites are definitely the sweet potatoes and all the fruits (no surprise there). You love your mum mums and have recently started snackin' on sweet potato Gerber Puffs. You are currently eating 3 solid food meals a day and it has really helped with your sleeping. You normally take 2 solid naps (about 2 or so hours) everyday and you are sleeping (at the longest) a 6 hour stretch at night time, just a little feeding coaxes you back to sleep quickly until you've gotten a good 10-12 hours of sleep.
You still love to watch Baby Einstein although I've realized that whenever anyone starts speaking during the program you get very annoyed. You like all the pretty pictures and the toys to the music in the background, but none of the serious talk, right? You are also still watching NickJr. You just love Moose A. Moose, just like your cousin Kaia. You could watch him forever. You also enjoy Ni Hao Kai Lan, Mrs. Spider's Sunny Patch Friends and the Bubble Guppies. Mommy's favorite show is the Fresh Beat Band and maybe we will go to one of their concerts together when you are older ;)
I cannot believe my next post about you will be your 1/2 birthday!! 6 months have gone by way too quickly!! Slow down little girl, please, your mama can't take you gettin' any older :\
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