Saturday, August 20, 2011

Maddie's First Taste of Food!!!

Madison has started "solids"!!! YAY I'm so excited for her.

Right before we left for Chicago we decided to start Maddie on rice cereal.  She was not a huge fan. She ate a little bit, gave us that disgusted look and spit most of it out.  We repeated the process for about 10 minutes and gave up.  We attempted a handful more times of rice cereal to no avail.  I tasted it myself, its pretty gross. blegh!

When we returned from Chicago I busted out the Beaba and made her some Fuji Apple applesauce!!  She loved it.  We have video of her screaming because a spoonful of applesauce is not in her mouth.  We wanted to make sure that there was no allergic reactions so we waited about a week and 1/2 and now she has progressed to bananas.  Oh my goodness if I thought she loved her some applesauce she is all about the bananas!! She has also recently become addicted to Mum Mums.  Bananas flavored baby rice husks.  THey jsut melt in her mouth and are something for her to chew on, cause I'm pretty sure she is teething.  She loooves them.  So, today is day 3 on bananas and applesauce and she went through 2 oz of each in addition to her regular feedings.  Oh my chunky little monkey is gonna get so big!!!! :)

I think tomorrow I'm going to make her some carrot puree and freeze it in preparation to start her on Monday.  I think apples and bananas are great, but they are fruits and I want to add in some veggies.  I think after carrots I'll add in some sweet potatoes.

Can you believe on Thursday she is going to be 5 months???  Wow all these solids foods before she's even 5 months old?? I'm sooo proud of my growing little girl... I'm a crazy mom I know :-P

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