Monday, March 14, 2011


I can be honest, I'm a little OCD when it comes to recycling.  I'm sure a lot of people can relate. I hate throwing anything that could potentially be recycled in the garbage.  But for my personal life the city of Scottsdale makes recycling annoying and difficult and I honestly loath the gentlemen who picks up our recycled products everyday Tuesday (anytime between 5am and 5pm). 

So first to vent a little bit before I continue with the real reason I am writing this entry.  I tend to always have a full recycling container on Tuesdays, period.  I put everything I can possibly put in that container in there.  Paper bags, junk mail, magazines, empty bottles, cans, glass - you name it, it most likely will go in my recycling bin.  Recently, however, I have had a monstrous amount of cardboard boxes in my house (due to the upcoming arrival a certain someone that I've been talking a lot about on here) and to be quite honest its not the easiest task breaking down huge boxes and putting them into the recycling bin - but, as I found out a couple of weeks ago, the "recycling man" will not take anything that is not in the bin, mainly because he is a lazy SOB!  He drives through out cul-de-sac at like a million miles an hour, using his automatic clamp to pick up the bins and dump the recycling into the back of his truck, while doing so continuing to reverse and drive reverse and drive, which in turn leaves my recycling bin and my neighbor's in the center of the cul-de-sac.  Every time he drives through I stand in my drive way giving him horribly glaring dirty looks as he maneuvers through as if trying to do it quicker than last week, timing himself.  So, with that being said its pretty obvious he would never ever dream of getting out of that big yellow truck and taking a large cardboard box to placing it in the back, because honestly that would just be too much God damned work, wouldn't it, Mr. Recylcing Man!?!?  And now that my blood pressure has risen to a point of 100C (boiling point), I will continue on with my purpose for this blog. 

I believe it to be a travesty among travesties that there are not more "recycling facilities" in the city of Phoenix as well as Scottsdale.  For people such as myself who not only have OCD when it comes to recycling, but also have a ton of paper at work to get rid of, I need recylcing locations to be accessible.  Everyone is screaming "Go Green", "Save the Planet", "Clean Air for the Future" type stuff and I 100% agree, but where is the action people???  So we're driving Hybrid cars and walk instead of drive to places near by.  That's a good start, but do people honestly think of garbage dumps??  How long it takes for certain items to decompose?  I mean I know its depressing thinking about those kinds of things and honestly when I place those useless articles in the garbage can in our kitchen I try to not think about where its going to end up to avoid any guilt - but recycling is the smallest of things we can do on a daily basis.  The city should at least provide information for facilities.  I spent 30 minutes on today trying to figure out where our local recycling center was and all I found was a little blurb about how I can make art out of my recyclables? (won't that just end up in the garbage?!?! - idiots I swear!) 

So now I'm sitting in my office - really needing to get rid of mounds of paper that I don't need to hoard anymore, knowing that the cleaning ladies will just toss is in the trash and feeling utterly useless.  I can't bring it home to recycle that would takes weeks!  I need to drop this stuff off at a recycling center, period.  Help help help City of Phoenix, where the hell is the closest recycling center??

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