Saturday, February 26, 2011

Packing the Hospital Bag

I am officially 4 weeks from my due date today.  Apparently I need to get my overnight bad packed.  So I started by "borrowing" my sisters diaper bag.  She said I can keep it, but heck no I'm going to keep it - I'll use it and take good care of it and return it in good condition so she can use it on her future babes (I'm hoping she has at least one more! - GO FOR A BOY!)  Anyway, if it was a regular diaper bag sure, but this thing - HELLO! I don't think so...

Gucci Messenger Diaper Bag 
GG Fabric ($890)

This is actually her second Gucci diaper bag, this one she purchased when baby Kaia was born roughly 14 months ago and it honestly looks like its barely been used.  Mostly due to the material.  Its not canvas and to be quite honest with you I don't think its leather either.  This was her original Gucci diaper bag:
Gucci Diaper Bag
Canvas GG material
( $990)

My 100% honest opinion on this bad is its a POS!  Seriously my sister had it for about a year or so and it was stolen from her car (one downfall of having designer/expensive items) but beyond that the canvas wore quickly and was about to start tearing.  One of my sister's BFFs had the same bad and used it for a couple of years and it was literally destroyed!!! She was practically embarrassed to be carrying it around because it was so tattered and ruined.  With all the heavy things you carry in a diaper bad, its essential (especially when dropping a good amount of money) that it has longevity!  The messenger diaper bag that is not the canvas material I would definitely recommend more so, if you are in the department for high end designer diaper bag!  Whatever floats your boat you know :)

So other than emptying her diaper bag and bringing it home I have packed Maddie's take home outfit!  It is so freaking good.  My sister bought it for her for Christmas, her very first Christmas present ever - so cute!!  It comes with a baby sac take home outfit, cute little matching cap and a blankie:

Serena and Lily
Take Me Home Gift Set - Punch (color) ($68)

It came in this adorable little keepsake box so that once she is done using them I can store them away with all her little info for memory sake.  And if anyone knows me I am obsessed with maintaining memories (almost a hoarding disorder, but not really).  I just love pictures, videos, memories and anything that has to do with them.  So I'm super excited to get her into this super cute outfit so I can take tons of pictures of her! Eek! I love this little outfit because its a thick cotton material (nothing flimsy about it) it matches her theme colors of Punch and Aqua Melon :) and lastly because of the super adorable closure tassels at the bottom of the dress - pull and tie to keep her feeties toasty warm!

The only other thing I have packed in the bag so far is her tiny little giraffe blankie cause its so soft and its the tiny one so I can just place is next to her face when she gets into the car seat and it will be soothing (hopefully!).

Over the next couple of days I will try to cram a lot of other things in there like a robe and comfy PJs to relax in at the hospital as well as tons of snacks because if I have heard anything about hospital food, it is nasty and I will most likely be famished after delivery. 

Any other suggestions in terms of what might be good for a overnight hospital bad would be greatly appreciate...this is my first time after all :)

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